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This is Shaun the Sheep hunt part 3

Shaun’s today: 16 (but we’d already seen 2 before)
Shaun’s in total: 47/50

Another lovely day for Shaun hunting.  Time is ticking for Shaun – he leaves London on June 1st (This has been extended as he was due to leave on the 26th May) so we had to get through a lot today to have any chance of completing them all.  We worked on Blitzers Trail today and also found the last couple from Shirley’s trail (yes that took a lot of bribery on my part to get them over the line).   We had an added bonus of seeing Candy Baa again as he had moved from Covent Garden. Todays Shaun’s are marked in red below.

Shaun the Sheep Blitzers trail

Shirley’s trail took us through the city of London with some more stunning landmarks such as the Shard – Sam’s favourite building in London, Tower bridge, Tower of London, Leadenhall Market, the Barbican and Guildhall.  We had actually already seen the 2 sheep located at the Tower back at Easter, but this was before we started doing the whole trail so good to see them again and mark them off on our app.

20150527_113648There was some added fun of timed fountains which I didn’t know existed.  Lots of kids were in their swimming costume so maybe something we can do again in the summer.

Emma enjoyed walking over Tower Bridge and working out where the bridge opened when the boats passed through.  Sam was quite surprised we could see right through to crack to the river rushing underneath us.  I have to say it was a slightly unnerving sight.

We were briefly weigh-laid by cannon firing for the opening of parliament.  Although it was slightly annoying to get caught up in – it was another great experience of sight, sound and smell for Emma and Sam.


Doing these trails has made me fall in love with London again, it really is a stunning city – especially on a beautiful day.   So 3 to go – can we do it?