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This is Bristol Shaun the Sheep hunt part 3

Shaun’s today: 24
Shaun’s in Bristol total: 48/70
Shaun’s overall: 98/120

So with the rain due at 11am we made an early start on the Harbourside trail ticking off our first Shaun before 9am and earning our Shaun at Breakfast trophy on the app.  We worked backwards through half of this trail from 40-35.  The children enjoyed the harbour side and all its sites as well as the sheep.  We all thought the whale with its recycled water bottle waves and water bottle lids dripping from the tail was really effective. We found a Shaun Exhibit in a store all about sustainability which continued the themes from the harbourside.  But more importantly there was a giant Shaun inside that I think Emma would have liked to have taken home with us.



The rain arrived early and just as we finished the bit of the Harbourside trail on our list for today. So with rain coats on we started the Heritage trail.  My favourite Shaun of the day was on this trail – King Arthur of Lambelot & Excalibaar!.  We got a great photo even in the drizzle.  Sam found his favourite in this trail too….Rex – yep a T-Rex even.  My dino-obsessed boy was in his element.  Arabian Lights was quite elaborate being plugged in with lights shining through and the photo didn’t quite do that one justice.  This trail was very busy with queues at many of the Shauns so along with the rain we didn’t really muck about and soon we were finished by 12pm.



The rain hadn’t let up so we hopped in the car for the 3 Shaun’s on the Farmyard trail.  Here’s where we found Grandma and Emma’s favourite for the day….Sparkles the Unicorn.  Emma liked it for obvious reasons, but Grandma was particularly pleased it was next to a bowling green. Prior to arriving it was to be our lunch spot, picked by Grandma before she knew where it was, but with the rain pouring we kept going.  It would have been lovely on a fine day to spend a bit more time with Primrose on her city farm with all the animals, but again the drizzle kept us going.




At this point around 1pm we’d hit our target of Shaun’s for the day, but despite the rain we were keen for more (yes – everybody!).  I think Sam actually enjoyed it more in the rain!  We picked off one from Bristol’s really spread out trail – called Sheep drive, as it was pretty close to our final day’s trail – Southbank.  I really liked this Shaun too…I think you can tell in the photo, but it’s covered in stamps and called Frank (ha ha ha).


For our last trail of the day we continued in the car and drove around the Southbank set backwards from 51-47. We braved some of the worst rain of the day for these ones but all still with smiles on our faces.  You can’t see but it was absolutely chucking it down in the Posy photo. Cars were lining up, and as one lot finished they waved the next lot out.  Yes apparently we aren’t the only Shaun obsessed people out there.  I was constantly amazed at the number of people doing the trails in the rain. It was fun too to keep bumping into the same people at each Shaun.


Finally as it was on the way home we finished the last one from the Brunel trail that we all but completed on Monday afternoon.  Buttercup was fairly plain but her setting was gorgeous.


Today I’ve learn that Bristol is extremely hilly so practice your hill starts before you come!