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Saturday was our last full day and we had use of the car until 5pm, so we went back to Argostoli for breakfast. We ended up going to a bakery and then walking along the harbour; it was so hot though the getting into the air-conditioned car seemed like a better option than walking to far.

The rough guide I had talked about these sink holes that were a geographical phenomenon. The water goes down and finally in about the 60’s they found out that it comes up on the other side of the island. Well what a disappointment, it looked like they’d tried to develop the area and then let it completely run down. We certainly didn’t stop anything spectacular. Maybe it needed to be high tide or something.

We drove around the point and back to Spartia our little village. On the way we drove through the Lassi area, the main beach resort on the island. Looked pretty tacky and British so we were glad we’d stayed where we did.

We got back to the hotel quite early – lunch time and spent the rest of the day by the pool. It was so hot and lovely. We finished off our tennis game, and at one stage I got 4-0 up, only to watch it slip away – with the sun. You see I made Gavin look into the sun, so once it went down I had no hope.